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QDaySheets™ App

QDaySheets™ is a great new Version 5 App (Module), to be used in conjunction with your QNotes Office. QDS is an awesome tool for the office staff, to help improve communication with the Billing Staff or your Billing Service.

QDS is a feature-filled solution, with lots of information at your fingertips. Information in QDaySheets includes not only CPT and ICD–9 codes, but also E&M codes, Inventory data, Provider Name, and even service dollar amounts.

The great thing about QDS is that the majority of this info is entered invisibly simply by using either PDQ™ Portable Touchscreen or the QuiX™ Barcode System.

Set-up is done in the QCode Manager screen, with fields for codes, dollar amounts and even a nice, lengthy description of the service or diagnosis.

You can search for (filter) your Day Sheets by specific dates or a date range, by Provider name, by Patient Account Number, by Patient Groups and by the type of Codes. Once you are ready, you can Print or Export your Day Sheet.

QDS Pro / QDS Billing

QDaySheets Pro will be available as an upgraded Module to QNotes Office, or as a stand-alone solution. With QDS Pro, you will be able to link your practice directly to a Billing/PM System or a Certified EHR. Not only will QDS Pro include all the features of QDS, but the Pro version will also include Diagnosis Pointing and Coding features.

If you are looking strictly for a Charge Capture system to link to your Billing Service, QDS Pro is available without QNotes Office. You can simply add a QuiX™ barcode system or PDQ™ touchscreen as your front-end device, and posting has never been easier.


QDaySheets Setup

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